Aurubis supports Boven De Wolken
Olen | Friday, September 3, 2021

Aurubis (Olen) supports charity organisation Boven De Wolken and cares for the fundraising action “Red Boven De Wolken”.
You may have seen it on social media: the SMS campaign for Boven De Wolken. The non-profit organization that offers free professional photo sessions to families with star children is financially at risk. Consequently, a fundraising campaign has been set up: The organization receives 1 € per SMS that is sent.
The news that Boven De Wolken is being jeopardized does not leave us unmoved at Aurubis in Olen either. That is why we decided to donate 1 euro per employee to the non-profit organization.
Since its foundation in 2016, the non-profit organization has already given 3500 families beautiful (farewell) photos as a lasting memory of their star child. Would you like to know more about Boven De Wolken? Take a look at their website www.bovendewolken.be.
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