Quality, sampling & assaying
In accordance with supplier's requirements and international standards, samples are taken from the sourced materials for chemical assaying in trust or in the presence of a neutral surveyor. After the quality assessment and the supplier’s agreement on the assays, the material is released for processing.
Smelting & refining
Our technologies, in most cases invented and realized by our own engineers, give us a unique worldwide position in the valorisation of metal and metal compounds. They are based on cost and energy efficient pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes. Over 350,000 tons of raw materials are recycled annually through the different stages of our recycling processes. We smelt complex metallic and oxidic secondary raw materials to feed our furnaces, ranging from high grade to low grade.
Purchase Team
The procurement of raw materials for the Berango site is done by a fully integrated commercial team managed on Aurubis Group level. The team is dedicated to service Aurubis' global supplier base with a hands-on mentality. All team members, buyers and back-office, are thoroughly trained in-house. They are easy to approach and more than happy to get in touch!
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