Aurubis Group
Aurubis produces high-purity, high-quality copper from copper concentrates and recycling materials and processes it into intermediate products. Copper scrap and a variety of other recycling materials are reintroduced to the economic cycle this way.
We produce more than 1 million t of marketable copper cathodes each year. They are processed in the Group into continuous cast rod, specialty wire, shapes, rolled products, strip and profiles made of copper and copper alloys. In addition, we produce precious metals such as gold and silver and a range of other products, for example sulfuric acid and iron silicate, as by-products of copper production.
We develop our leading market position with a responsible approach to the environment, people and resources.
Facts & figures
Aurubis was founded as a stock corporation in 1866. With the IPO in 1998, national mergers and international expansions in the years following, Aurubis is now an internationally operating Group.
Aurubis shares are part of the Prime Standard Segment of the Deutsche Börse and are listed in the MDAX and the Global Challenges Index (GCX). > Find out more in the chapter Investor Relations.
- 1866 founding of the Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengesellschaft in Hamburg, Germany;
- about 7,400 employees in over 20 countries on three continents;
- 1,140,000 t of copper products annually;
- > 560 million euros of investment in environmental protection since 2000;
- > 99.99 % minimum copper content in our copper cathodes – the high purity guarantees our products’ outstanding quality.
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