Press Release
A workplace in Aurubis Bulgaria creates another five in country’s economy
Bulgaria | Thursday, October 6, 2022
- Nearly 90% of company’s employees are from the Srednogorie region
One workplace in Aurubis Bulgaria creates five more along the chain in the country. The economic impact of the company's operations at national level - from the purchase of raw materials, goods and services to the final consumption of its employees is over BGN 2.1 billion according to an analysis by the Institute for Market Economics on the socio-economic impact of the company's operations. The data was quoted at the national forum "Business and Regions: The Changed Bulgaria" on 4th of October in Sofia, organized by BGlobal Magazine and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Institute for Market Economy.
Tim Kurth, CEO of Aurubis Bulgaria and President of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce opened the forum with a keynote speech.
I am confident that we will preserve what businesses, local authorities and communities have built together over so many years because we stand in solidarity and believe in the same fundamental values. With solidarity being first. The task of our generation is to preserve and develop the achievements that have been made so far despite the challenging times we live in,
Kurth said.
Nearly 90% of the employees of Aurubis Bulgaria are from Pirdop, Zlatitsa, Anton and other municipalities of the Srednogorie region,
underlined Ivailo Georgiev, Head of Public Affairs.
He took part in the discussion on the challenges of sustainable development along with Ilia Garkov - Senior Vice President of Dundee Precious Metals for Europe, Dr. Atanas Georgiev - Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University, Georgi Mikov - Executive Director of the Electrodistribution Networks West, Rositsa Raykova - Head of Investments at Stara Zagora and Boyan Rashev, Energy Expert. Radan Kanev, Member of the European Parliament in charge of the Industrial Emissions Directive also joined the discussion from Strasbourg.
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