Respect for human rights and fair working conditions
Aurubis respects human rights and advocates for their protection.
We reject any form of discrimination, forced labor, or child labor and respect the rights of indigenous populations.
Labor law and the resultant agreements must be adhered to. Compliance with the internationally recognized core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) are of fundamental signif-icance. The Executive Board bears responsibility for the issue of human rights.
Nobody may be put at a disadvantage, favored, harassed, or excluded due to his race, ethnicity, sex, religion, convictions, disability, age, or sexual orien-tation. Bullying and sexual harassment are forbidden. Every employee has the right to be protected against discrimination and harassment. Supervisors, the HR Department, an ombudsman (if available), the employees’ representatives, or the Chief Compliance Officer shall be contacted in the event of conflicts.
At Aurubis we aim to discover the individual capabilities of each employee and to expand them, to maintain open communication and to work together in the pursuit of success, both personal and within the company. Thanks to our colleagues’ discipline and performance, Aurubis Bulgaria is a prosperous, growing and developing company.
The management of the company is working in excellent dialogue and close colaboration with the commitees of two unions - KNSB and KT "Podkrepa".
Employee safety – priority number one
The assessment of a company’s performance in the health and safety sector is based on accident frequency as the number of accidents per one million hours worked. Aurubis Bulgaria has succeeded in continuously reducing accident frequency in the last few years. This positive trend should be carried on by continual improvements in all sectors of occupational safety.
Apart from technical measures, such as the further development and modernization of production sites, internal and external training on health and safety belong to the standard for all management levels. They ensure that the employees have an extensive knowledge of health and safety requirements.
Safety awareness is a priority of very high importance for every employee . Accidents are examined in detail to establish their technical, organizational and behavioral causes in order to avoid repetition.
Aurubis Bulgaria is a company with an exemplary health & safety system due to the constant and successful improvements in occupational safety.
We expect our contractors to work towards the same health & safety standard.
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