Our aspire
Aurubis assumes responsibility for its business activities. Our Sustainability Strategy focuses on the balance of “Economy – Environment – People”.
For Aurubis, responsible corporate governance makes an integral contribution to securing the company's future. Our understanding of sustainability encompasses the focuses of people, the environment, and the economy. The Sustainability Strategy 2018-2023 creates the framework for our sustainability activities. It is a component of the Aurubis Group strategy and aligns with the mission of responsibly transforming raw materials into value to provide metals for an innovative world.
At Aurubis, sustainability means:
- treating the environment and limited natural resources with care.
- exhibiting responsibility towards our employees, suppliers, customers, and neighbors.
- securing long-term company success with responsible business practices and stable growth.
Greetings from the board
“We aspire to conduct our business with responsibility – in the economic setting, when dealing with the environment and resources, and with respect to our employees. Aurubis has become more international and has grown significantly over the past decade. We take on the challenge associated with this – a sustainable approach and sustainable practices are integral elements of our corporate strategy. At the same time, we are aware that the various aspects of sustainability have a direct impact on our employees and their work, as well as on the relationship with our business partners, the environment, and resources.
The foundation for our responsible approach is the Aurubis Sustainability Strategy. The strategy focuses on the pillars 'Economy – Environment – People.' We set medium-term goals on a five-year basis. Consequently, we passed the new Sustainability Strategy in 2018. It is in effect until 2023 and guides our path to a successful future that aligns with the Aurubis mission ‘Responsibly transforming raw materials into value to provide metals for an innovative world.’Our website provides an overview of the main areas of activity, measures, and targets. You can find more detailed information in our Sustainability Report. We invite you to see for yourself how we at Aurubis perceive our responsibility and how we integrate sustainability in our business processes and daily work.”
Aurubis is een Gelijke Kansen Werkgever. Beslissingen in onze aanwervingsprocedure worden genomen zonder onderscheid te maken naar nationaliteit, etnische afkomst, huidskleur, geloofsovertuiging, geslacht, seksuele geaardheid, genderidentiteit of -uiting, leeftijd, handicap of andere door de wet beschermde kenmerken.
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