Sustainability Management
The fundamental responsibilities of sustainability management include incorporating Aurubis’ sustainability approach into company practice and appropriately considering the concerns of our stakeholders. Aurubis employees are committed to achieving the set measures and targets.
Legal frameworks, our company values, and internal guidelines create a foundation that ensures we act in accordance with the law, treat each other and our business partners with fairness and trust, and use resources responsibly. The prevention principle practiced at Aurubis is a basic component of responsible business activities that contributes to long-term success.
As part of the 2020/21 strategy process, the decision was made to realign Aurubis' sustainability organization to better reflect the Group’s sustainability ambitions and the increasing importance of sustainable business practices in legislation and on the market. As part of this realignment, an independent Sustainability division with increased staffing levels was created in January 2022. The new head of the Sustainability division reports directly to the CEO, who has overall responsibility regarding the topic of sustainability in the Aurubis Group. This also includes responsibility for sustainability aspects included in the Group strategy, in setting targets and guidelines, and in sustainability reporting. The first sustainability reporting guidelines that defined responsibilities, tasks and processes, among other things, came into force in February 2023.
The Sustainability division serves as the interface between the divisions relevant for sustainability, and coordinates all of the related processes within the Group. The Sustainability division is also responsible for continuously reviewing and developing the sustainability targets and supporting the sites and divisions in the operational implementation of the measures – including the Group-wide decarbonization strategy in particular.