Environmental protection at the Pori site
The Aurubis Finland production site is located in the western part of Finland in the town Pori next to the river Kokemäenjoki. The copper foundry and rolling mill are in a copper industrial park along with other companies that work with copper. The site comprises an area of about 78,000 m².
The rolling mill in Pori is a state-of-the-art hot and cold rolling mill, and it is fully integrated from casting to finishing. In 2022, our 297 employees produced 38,100 t of strip, sheet, plate, and circles as well as 54,400 t of shapes, more than half of which for internal use. The selection of high-quality products covers a wide range of copper and copper alloys. Copper scrap is the main input for production, and recycling materials account for around 75 % of the raw materials used in the foundry. The waste heat that arises in the foundry is sold to local power plant Pori Energia. The waste heat produced during the hot rolling process is reused to preheat combustion air during processing. Emissions of dust and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are reduced to a minimum using afterburning and filters in the foundry. Cooling water in the smelting process circulates in a closed system. Process water from the closed mill loops is treated by an external service company. Copper and oil residues are separated from cooling water and some process water. In 2022, more than € 300,000 was invested in measures to improve our environmental performance.
Environmental Protection - facts & figures
At the beginning of January 2013, a project to improve the degree of filter house utilization started and improved the degree of utilization by about 5 % during 2013. Metal emissions in exhaust gasses have fallen considerably over the years.

Metal emissions to air (Cu/Zn/Pb) in g/t of copper products
Total specific energy consumption trend in MWh/t Cu of copper products is decreasing. 2022 has been the most energy efficient year when taking the product mix into account.

Total specific energy consumption MWh/t Cu of copper products
Environmental measures that have been implemented (“Milestones”)
Automatic environmental online reporting to monitor smoke gas cleaning, after burner and heat recovery.
- Copper: Replacement investment in picking line with new closed system to avoid Cu emissions to wastewater. First and second phase: Implemented; Third phase: planned for 2025
- Copper: Refurbishment of degreasing and pickling line in planning, some water management improvements implemented in 2023
- Copper: Renewal of wastewater measurement to avoid Cu emissions to the river.
Current important environmental targets and measures
Automatic environmental reporting
- Filter house in use more than 98%
- 2022
Implemented on target
Replacement investment in pickling line
Target: Cu emission below 0,5 mg/l
- 2025
Implementation stage:
- Phase 1 and 2 implemented; Phase 3 planned
More pH measurements in rolling mill
Target: Cu emission below 0,5 mg/l
- 2023
Implementation stage:
- Implemented on target
New color-coded waste bins for paper and energy waste in rolling mill
- 2023
- Implemented on target
Extend emulsion usage time at cold rolling
- 2024
- In implementation
1. Heating system repairs and adjustment repairs at the rolling mill. Investigation into heat recovery
- 2024
- in progress
2. Reduction of propane consumption: pre-heating furnace, heating program changed
- 2022
- implemented
3. Energy monitoring system changed, improving the visibility of consumption data and planning machine-specific savings
- 2024
- in progress
4. Reduction of diesel consumption: replacing cars and diesel forklifts with electric cars and e-forklifts
- 2024
- in progress
5. Pre-heating furnace replaced with electrical one to reduce CO2 emissions
- 2030
- planning started
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