
Our Group headquarters and largest site is located in the southern part of Hamburg. We have production and sales sites in more than 20 countries on three continents and employ around 7,100 people.

Supplemented by subsidiaries and holdings, we occupy central market areas along the entire value chain of our metals  from copper concentrates to semi-finished products and, in the architectural sector, even to the end product.


Aurubis AG
Hovestrasse 50
20539 Hamburg

Segment Custom Smelting & Products
Aurubis Hamburg

Hamburg is home to our biggest site. More than 2,800 employees produce cathodes, wire, continuous cast shapes, precious metals, and specialty products such as sulfuric acid and iron silicate stone. Today, the plant is one of the most modern and environmentally friendly copper smelters in the world.

Aurubis AG
Hovestrasse 50
20539 Hamburg

Shipping address:
Aurubis AG (Werk Ost)
Müggenburger Hauptdeich 2
20539 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 7883-0

Aurubis Stolberg

The Stolberg site near Aachen produces copper and copper alloy products for the world market. It has been part of the Aurubis Group since 2002 and, with about 500 employees, produces strip, foil, and shaped wire for many different applications.

Aurubis Stolberg GmbH & Co. KG
Zweifaller Strasse 150
52224 Stolberg

Phone: + 49 2402 1241-0

Aurubis Bulgaria

The site in Pirdop, Bulgaria, is our link to the Southeast European market. The company employs over 1000 people and produces copper anodes, copper cathodes, and sulfuric acid.

Aurubis Bulgaria AD
Industrial Zone
2070 Pirdop

Phone: +359 728 6 23 03

Aurubis Finland

In Pori, Finland, we produce an extensive portfolio of rolled copper and copper alloy products for building construction and civil engineering. With the NordicCopper product range, architects can also bring individual solutions to life.

Aurubis Finland Oy
28101 Pori

Phone: +358 2 626 6111

Aurubis Italia

Aurubis Italia, the only producer of copper wire rod in southern Italy, is located in Avellino, Italy. About 90 employees produce wire rod and wire there.

Aurubis Italia srl
Nucleo Industriale Pianodardine
83100 Avellino

Phone: +39 825 625507

Segment Multimetal Recycling
Aurubis Olen

Our plant in Olen, Belgium, is a central location of the Group for the Western European markets. Around 700 employees produce anodes, cathodes, wire rod, and specialty wire there.

Aurubis Olen nv
Watertorenstraat, 35
2250 Olen

Phone: +32 14 24-3308

Aurubis Beerse

With approximately 500 employees, Aurubis Beerse operates a wide range of processes and technologies to recycle and refine complex, low-value recycled materials into non-ferrous metals, metal products, and minerals. The company was founded in 1919 as Metallo-Chimique N.V. and is currently the largest tin recycler in the world. 

Aurubis Beerse nv
Nieuwe Dreef 33
2340 Beerse

Phone: +32 14 609 511

Aurubis Berango

With around 100 employees, Aurubis Berango focuses exclusively on complex and low-value recycled materials for the production of black copper, solder, and Elmix®. The company was founded in 1991 as Elmet S.L.U. and is currently a role model and pioneer in sustainability in the broader Basque Country area. 

Aurubis Berango S.L.U.
Arana Bidea 20
48640 Berango, Vizcaya

Phone: +34 94 668 91 00

Aurubis Lünen

Our Group's recycling center is located in Lünen near Dortmund and processes complex recycling materials. Around 700 employees produce anodes, cathodes, iron silicate sand, and associated products there.

Aurubis AG
Kupferstraße 23
44532 Lünen

Telefon: +49 2306 108-0

Aurubis Richmond

Aurubis is undertaking trailblazing work with a new recycling plant in the US: for about € 640 million, the company is building the first secondary smelter specializing in multimetal recycling in the US, thus making a targeted investment in expanding its own recycling business.

Aurubis Richmond LLC
439 Valencia Way, Augusta, GA 30906

Subsidiaries and shareholdings
Peute Baustoff

Peute Baustoff in Hamburg, with 12 employees, specializes in the production and sale of aggregate building materials made of iron silicate products, which are used in traffic construction  especially in hydraulic engineering and road construction.

Peute Baustoff GmbH
Peutestraße 79
20539 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 789 160-0

Cablo (40 %)

Cablo GmbH is a joint venture between Aurubis AG (40 %) and TSR Recycling GmbH & Co. KG (60 %). At the Fehrbellin site in Brandenburg and in Gelsenkirchen in North Rhine-Westphalia, mainly waste from cable production and scrap cable is recycled for the recovery of copper granules and plastics.

Cablo GmbH
Grimbergstraße 85
45889 Gelsenkirchen

Phone: +49 209 3842 000