2030 sustainability targets
Metals for Progress: Driving Sustainable Growth
For Aurubis, responsible business conduct is an integral contribution to securing the company’s future. The 2030 sustainability targets establish the framework for this purpose. They are a component of the Aurubis corporate strategy and are divided into the focus areas People, Environment, and Economy.
The 2030 sustainability targets establish the main areas of activity, targets, and action plans for the coming years. Aurubis has systematically structured and expanded its sustainability activities in the past several years – from sustainability reporting to the development of the first Sustainability Strategy in 2013.
We report the status of target achievement annually in our Non-Financial Report and 2023 Sustainability Report.

Aurubis – 2030 sustainability targets
Action area | Ambition | 2030 targets | 2022/23 interim targets1 |
Governance and ethics |
Recycling solutions |
50 % average recycled content in copper cathodes | |
Responsible supply chain |
Action area | Ambition | 2030 targets | 2022/23 interim targets1 |
Energy and climate |
Environmental protection |
Action area | Ambition | 2030 targets | 2022/23 interim targets1 |
Health and safety |
Future-oriented employer |
Training and education |
Social engagement |
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Factsheet 2030 Sustainability Targets
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