Environmental protection at Aurubis Italia, Avellino site
Aurubis Italia, the only copper rod producer in southern Italy, is located in Avellino. In 2023, a total of around 90 employees produced about 180,000 t of rod and about 2,500 t of wire for special applications.
Aurubis Italia has had an IPPC permit since 2009 (IPPC refers to the EU Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control). The high efficiency of Aurubis Italia’s production lines enables nearly 100 % of the raw materials used to be processed into products.
Modern cleaning and filter facilities keep off-gas and wastewater to a minimum. Wastewater is continuously monitored before being released into the sewer system thanks to an automatic water sampling system. A street sweeper cleans the roads and yards at the Avellino site, which has reduced the metal load in the discharged water.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the rolling mill were significantly reduced by lowering the use of isopropyl alcohol. The VOCs are collected and treated with a scrubber system. The fugitive emissions in the smelting area were considerably reduced due to a vacuum system and hoods on the launders and holding furnace. Dust emissions and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the shaft furnace have been drastically reduced. Many small energy-saving initiatives have been implemented during the last few years thanks to continuous improvements in the production process.
Aurubis Italia successfully completed the EMAS registration (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) in July 2019.
The main focuses of Aurubis Italia Srl are:
- Continuously improving environmental performance, in particular energy consumption and material efficiency
- Demonstrating compliance with environmental regulations with maximum transparency
- Publicly releasing its environmental strategy, environmental program, environmental management system, and key environmental performance data
- Openly engaging with interested parties (employees, local authorities, suppliers, etc.)
Environmental Protection Avellino - facts & figures
In 2011, Aurubis Italia initially installed a pilot plant followed by an inert dosing system to reduce dust and POPs. The higher dust emissions in 2021/2022 were caused by the lower efficiency of the old baghouse filters from the dust treatment system of the shaft furnace. Actions have been initiated to reduce dust emissions, and the baghouse filters were replaced in August 2022.

Dust emissions in g/t copper produced
Aurubis Italia has increased the efficiency of its wastewater treatment plant.

Metal emissions to water in g/t copper produced
Environmental measures that have been implemented
Description of measure:
Specific treatment for casting machine cooling water installed to reduce surfactants
Date of completion:
- Completed in September 2019
Description of measure:
- EMAS registration successfully completed: IT-001951 on July 29, 2019
Date of completion:
- Completed in July 2019
Description of measure:
- Filter press system in wastewater treatment plant to reduce waste sludges
Date of completion:
- Completed in September 2020
Description of measure:
- Reduction of isopropanol consumption, direct and fugitive emissions (TVOCs, total volatile organic compounds) ducted, and fugitive emissions by refurbishing emulsion filtration system
Date of completion:
- Completed in September 2022
Description of measure:
Replaced with higher performance models:
a) Air heat exchanger (completed)
b) Heat recovery system for off-gas from shaft furnace (ongoing)
c) Baghouse filters (ongoing)
Date of completion:
- Completed in August 2022
- Reduced waste sludges
- Completed in September 2020
- Revamping emulsion filtration system: Reducing isopropanol consumption, TVOCs ducted, and fugitive emissions by revamping emulsion filtration system
- Completed in September 2022
- Replaced with higher performance models:
- Air heat exchanger
- Heat recovery system for off-gas from shaft furnace
- Bag house filters
- Completed in August 2022
- Aurubis Italia’s proposal approved. Waiting for the official EIA Decree
- Completed in January 2023
Current important environmental targets and measures
Start of feasibility study to capture off-gas from the rolling mill (containing isopropyl alcohol) as oxidation air and pass it as comburent to the burners of the shaft furnace.
Completion expected February 2024
- Feasibility study ongoing
- Evaluation of the next steps
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EMAS Registration certificate (Italian)
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Environmental Statement 2021 Aurubis Italia (Italian)
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ISO 14001 : 2015
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ISO 14001 : 2015 (Italian)
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ISO 9001 : 2015
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ISO 45001 : 2018
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ISO 50001 : 2018
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Gianpaolo Antonacci
Maintenance Engineering & RSPP Manager
Phone | +39 3487069545 |