Press Release
Expansion of social engagement: Aurubis and German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) sign agreements in Peru and Chile
Hamburg | Thursday, October 17, 2019

- The overarching initiative “together we care” encompasses the Aurubis Group’s varied social projects
- Official support for three projects in Peru and Chile
- Social engagement is part of the company strategy and the Sustainability Strategy
Aurubis continues to expand its social engagement in the world. For many years, the Group has been involved in a number of projects in the countries where it is active – at schools, in vocational training and education, in the promotion of sports and culture, and at events in the neighborhoods surrounding the company’s sites. Aurubis is now placing its various activities under one slogan: “together we care” will bring all of Aurubis’ social projects together in the future. These projects have three focuses: knowledge, environment, and participation. Everything is being kicked off by projects in Peru and Chile, key supply countries of the Aurubis Group located in South America.
“Our social engagement is firmly established in the company strategy and is part of our Sustainability Strategy at the same time,” emphasized Aurubis AG CEO Roland Harings.
We’re taking on responsibility internationally, beyond our supply chain – and directly on site. We’re doing this in the area of resource efficiency, for example, through educational programs and training opportunities to improve the job prospects of socially disadvantaged people in structurally weak regions.
This support was made official during a trip to South America. Together with project partners and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (referred to by the German abbreviation AHK) in each country, Aurubis representatives signed agreements in Chile and Peru to support three concrete projects.
With the German-Peruvian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Aurubis is supporting the comprehensive education program Fundación Niños del Arco Iris and will be sponsoring an entire school class. In addition to conveying knowledge, the program focuses on health issues in the Urubamba region – one of the most impoverished regions in the country. “Aurubis would like to contribute to improving the life circumstances of socially disadvantaged families and to empower people to enter the labor market,” explained Project Manager for Social Engagement at Aurubis Stefanie Klein during her one-week visit to all of projects.
Also in cooperation with the German-Peruvian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Aurubis is involved in a water project in the natural conservation area Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca in the Arequipa region. The objective of the project is to promote the sustainable use of resources – especially water – and the preservation and protection of biodiversity. The project is special because it includes local citizens.
“Since it was founded over 50 years ago, the AHK Peru has established itself as a communication channel between Peruvian and German companies in order to promote innovative technologies and practices. These should be implemented in development and cooperation opportunities between Peru and Germany with a view to sustainable economic development,” said Executive Director of AHK Peru Antje Wandelt. “This is why we’re very proud to work together with Aurubis on carrying out these two promising projects. Education and sustainable environmental management, which are embodied in both of these projects, are the foundation for the country’s social and environmentally sound development.”
Together with the German-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Aurubis is supporting the development of dual occupational training, following the German model, in the O’Higgins region. Project participants are trained to become specialists for sustainable resource utilization in agriculture. The goal is to set up a practical training program oriented to agricultural needs. The project aims to improve educational opportunities for young people with socially disadvantaged backgrounds, to create prospects in a structurally weak region, and to strengthen alternative economic structures apart from mining. The project will run for 4.5 years. Stefanie Klein said, “The German vocational training system, with its dual approach involving practical learning and theory, has a strong reputation worldwide. This approach will be used in Chile to train future specialists for sustainable resource utilization in agriculture.”
Executive Director of AHK Chile Cornelia Sonnenberg added, “We’ve supported companies and institutions in introducing quality elements of the dual vocational training system for many years. We’re pleased to now contribute this experience to such a socially relevant project with Aurubis. We’re convinced that this social engagement will directly support more sustainable development in Chile.”
Additional information about “together we care” is available on the new project website project website.
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