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About Aurubis
Aurubis AG is a company in the basic materials industry that operates worldwide. As an integrated group, we process complex metal concentrates, scrap metals, organic and inorganic metal-bearing recycling raw materials, and industrial residues into metals of the highest purity.
We produce more than 1 million t of copper cathodes annually and from them a variety of copper products such as wire rod, shapes, flat rolled products, strip, and specialty wire and profiles made of copper and copper alloys.
In addition to our main metal, copper, our metal portfolio also includes gold, silver, lead, nickel, tin, zinc, minor metals such as tellurium and selenium, and platinum group metals. Sulfuric acid, iron silicate, and synthetic minerals round off the product portfolio.
The information on the financial performance, assets, liabilities, and financial position of the Aurubis Group is based on the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and, where applicable, German commercial law as well as German Accounting Standards (GAS).
As at September 30, 2020, round about 7,000 employees worked for the Aurubis Group.
Shares and dividends
Our current shareholder structure is available here.
The subscribed capital (share capital) of Aurubis AG amounted to € 115,089,210.88 as at September 30, 2020, and was divided into 44,956,723 no-par-value bearer shares, each with a notional value of € 2.56 of the subscribed capital.
Yes. Each share grants the same rights and a single vote at the Annual General Meeting. There are no different classes of shares.
The company’s shares have been traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard Segment) since July 7, 1998.The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is DE0006766504. The German Securities Identification Number (WKN) is 676650.
Aurubis shares are listed in the MDAX and the Global Challenges Index (GCX).
The objective of our dividend policy is to allow our shareholders to participate in the company’s success appropriately and continuously.
For further information on our dividend policy, please click here.
On March 18, 2020, the Executive Board of Aurubis AG passed a resolution, exercising the authorization granted by the shareholders represented at the 2018 Annual General Meeting to purchase and use the company’s own shares, to purchase up to 4,495,672 company shares (equivalent to up to approximately 10 % of the existing share capital) in multiple tranches via the stock exchange, up to a total purchase price (excluding incidental acquisition costs) of € 200 million. As at September 30, 2020, Aurubis AG had purchased 2.89 % of the voting stock in two tranches at an average price of € 46.39/share.
The buyback program began on March 19, 2020 and should conclude at the end of September 17, 2021 at the latest.
The company’s purchase of its own shares serves to create treasury stock for possible acquisitions or future financing needs.
Corporate governance
Information on Executive Board compensation can be found in our Compensation Report.
This report outlines the main principles of the compensation system for the Executive Board members and discloses the amount and structure of the fixed and variable compensation components. Furthermore, it provides information on Executive Board entitlements in the case of termination of employment, as well as information on Supervisory Board compensation.
Our current compensation report can be found in the Annual Report.
Yes, Aurubis AG’s Declaration of Conformity can be found here.
Annual General Meeting
We usually hold our Annual General Meeting in the first quarter of the calendar year in Hamburg. Aurubis AG will publish the venue and date for the AGM in accordance with the statutory regulations in the Federal Gazette and on its website in due time.
Please find further information on the Annual General Meeting here.

Ken Nagayama
Vice President Investor Relations
Phone | +49 40 7883-3178 |

Ferdinand von Oertzen
Senior Manager Investor Relations
Phone | +49 40 7883-3179 |