Quality and Environment
Our iron silicate products are purposefully manufactured in a continuous melting process. This results in consistent material properties that guarantee high density, weathering resistance and long service life. To ensure the building material properties, our iron silicate is continuously quality monitored in authorized laboratories.
Quality monitoring
Our iron-silicate products are subject to quality monitoring according to system 2+ in accordance with:
- DIN EN 13383-1 or TLW 2003 for hydraulic engineering
- DIN EN 13043 and 13242 or TL Gestein-StB04 for road construction and are CE-certified for this purpose.
We use the asphalt laboratory, Wahlstedt, which is authorized according to RAP-Waba and RAP-Stra, to carry out the necessary material tests for our "factory production control" (WPK).
In addition, we are a member of the Gütegemeinschaft Metallhüttenschlacken (Quality Association for Metal Smelter Slags) and meet the requirements of voluntary quality monitoring in accordance with RAL for hydraulic engineering.
Environmental testing
Iron-silicate stone and granules are anchored in all relevant regulations and meet the technical and environmental requirements in hydraulic and road construction.
The use of iron-silicate stone has the following environmental advantages:
- Each cubic meter of iron-silicate stone avoids the mining of about 1.4 m3 of rock and thus makes an important contribution to the sustainability of the available raw materials.
- The starting raw material of the naturally formed ores is used extensively.
- The use of the environmentally friendly waterway is possible through direct connection of the production plant.
- The installation of the iron-silicate stone as an open revetment is a particularly space-saving construction method.
- The favorable surface structure results in an optimal gap system for the aquatic habitat.
- Material consumption is very low due to the long service life resulting from high weathering resistance.
To ensure environmentally sound use, iron-silicate products have been subject to constant scientific testing since 1970 by recognized scientists and institutions in the fields of:
- Mineralogy, petrography, geochemistry
- Biology
- Ecotoxicology
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Factsheet Iron Silicate
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