Press Release
Aurubis publishes Communication on Progress 2017 for the United Nations Global Compact
Hamburg | Friday, July 6, 2018
- A variety of measures and activities demonstrate how Aurubis implements the ten principles of the UN Global Compact
- Delivery of district heating to Hamburg’s HafenCity neighborhood presents new approach to CO2 reduction beyond plant boundaries
Aurubis AG published its Communication on Progress 2017 for the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. These principles are divided into the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
The report shows Aurubis’ progress in carrying out the principles. The metals company also documents a variety of measures and activities, as well as the pledges, policies, and management systems established in the Group that are related to the ten principles.
For example, the company made significant progress in February 2017 when it entered into a contract to deliver industrial waste heat to enercity. The energy provider uses it to heat the newly constructed HafenCity East neighborhood in Hamburg. Aurubis thus reduces its CO2 emissions by about 20,000 t of CO2 beyond its plant boundaries annually.
Aurubis has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2014. The member companies commit to implementing the ten principles and to reporting the progress they have achieved each year.
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